Saint Michael The Archangel

+1 (203) 734-0005 |


Mass Intentions

Polish Announcements

May 19, 2024

4:30pm SAT. MAY 18, – SUNDAY VIGIL MASS + Gertrude Gray -Deacon Bob and Susan Carter

SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024
8:30am +Sister Hedwig Walania -John & Pat Walania
10:00am +Deceased of Jaje & Sieczkowski Families -Karol & Krystyna Jaje
5:30pm +Janina & Franciszek Zadlo -daughter Maria Kuna & family

MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024
7:00pm +Kim Siglinger, Anna Matula, and Frances Slovak -Carol Siglinger

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024
7:00am +Stella Psuja -Narowski Family

7:00pm +Maria and Jan Gadek – Czeslaw and Elzbieta Zygadlo

THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024
7:00am +Dorota Zambrzycki – Stasia Setavczyk

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024
7:00am +Stella Ziomek Tomaszewski – Irene Haldas

SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2024
8:00am +Michael Misiewicz -Duke & Nicky

4:30pm +Benjamin Madura -family

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2024
8:30am +Anthony Ploski -family
10:00am +Tadeusz & Krystyna Piekielniak – brother and family
11:30am 1st intention +Stefan Stykowski Ryszard & Zofia Przydzial; 2nd intention 30 lecie Kaplanstwa Ks. Jan Szylar, CM and Ks. Marek Sadowski, CM
5:30pm +Genevieve Adamczyk -Josephine Beattie & family

Polish Announcements

19 MAJA 2024

DZISIEJSZA DRUGA SKŁADKA przeznaczona jest na wspieranie dzieł katolickich.

NABOŻEŃSTWA MAJOWE odprawiamy w środy i niedziele po Mszach św. Zachęcamy do rodzinnego odprawiania tego nabożeństwa.

NABOŻEŃSTWO DO MIŁOSIERDZIA BOŻEGO odprawimy dzisiaj o godz. 15.00.

PIERWSZA KOMUNI ŚWIĘTA. Dzisiaj 19 maja o godz. 11.30 dzieci klas trzecich uczęszczające na religię w języku polskim przystapią do Pierwszej Komunii Świętej.
Zachęcamy do objęcia naszymi modlitwami dzieci oraz ich rodziny.


WYMIANA DACHU KOŚCIELNEGO. Otrzymaliśmy już uaktualniony kosztorys wymiany dachu kościelnego. Koszt wymiany to $400.00. Prześlemy go teraz do Diecezji i jeśli otrzymamy zgodę na wymianę dachu wówczas rozpoczniemy zbiórkę.

MSZE ŚW. NA 2025 ROK. Zgodnie z zaleceniem Arcybiskupa Archidiecezji Hartford nie możemy jeszcze przyjmować Mszy św. na 2025 rok. Arcybiskup poprosił o przedstawienie nowego planu Mszy św. co uczyniliśmy. Teraz czekamy na odpowiedź.

LEKTORZY, MINISTRANCI I SZAFARZE EUCHARYSTII. Jeśli ktoś pragnąłby zostać lektorem, aby czytać Słowo Boże podczas liturgii lub szafarzem Eucharystii, czy ministrantem to prosimy o kontakt z ks. Proboszczem.

Special Announcements

A proposal from New England Masonry and Roofing Company has been received and the next step is that we have been approved by the Archdiocese to conduct a fund-raising program for $400,000 to help PUT A NEW ROOF OVER OUR HEADS!! We will share details soon. Let’s all pray for the success of this endeavor…

Lectors are needed for the Sunday morning and evening Masses. This is a wonderful way to serve and help out the parish. The schedule is made according to your convenience. Please call the parish office to volunteer. Call the Parish Office to volunteer. A background check will also be conducted and attendance at a Safe Environment Program is required (several offered throughout the state – evenings – about 2 hours).

You will be given every opportunity to read with a seasoned lector. Please consider offering your help. You may speak with Deacon Bob if you have any questions. Thank you.

House Keeping Announcements

CCD Program

Our CCD program is greatly in need of volunteer teachers.  If you have a child in the program please consider offering to teach.  There will be no tuition charges for your children.  Materials and guidance will be provided  and your service so appreciated.

We kindly ask that you please not throw cigarette butts in our parking lots. We are constantly picking them and would appreciate it if you would use your car ashtrays for them. Thank you for your cooperation.

If you have a family member who is in the hospital and he/she would like or needs a visit from our Priest, a family member must call the Parish Office. Years ago, personnel from the hospital would call the Rectory with the information of a hospital stay by one of our parishioners. Now this information is protected by HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996). This ensures the privacy of patients by ensuring certain types of information are safeguarded and not disclosed to unauthorized individuals.

Shut-ins of the parish who are not able to get to Church can receive a visit from our Priest. Those who are on the First Friday visitation list are already included. Please call the Parish Office as soon as possible to request a visit.

If you missed any  of our church bulletins, they are available online. either in the News Menu or on Facebook

If any shut-ins would like a bulletin mailed to them each week, please call the office and we will add your name to the list. Bulletins may be found on-line at:

If you wish to be considered a parishioner of St. Michael’s, you must have a registration card on file. If you do not receive the Christmas and Easter mailings from the parish then there is no registration card on file. Please note that we cannot issue a sponsor certificate for Baptism or Confirmation if you are not registered. Please call the office and a form can be mailed to you. Parish membership dues are $15 per year for an individual and $30 per year for a family.

Parish Registration is important – REGISTERING IN THE PARISH
A gentle reminder: If you do not receive the Easter and Christmas mailings then it means you are not registered in the parish (there is no registration card on file which generates the mailing list). If you are registered it means you are eligible to obtain sponsor certificates to be a godparent or sponsor for Confirmation. Without being registered, we cannot verify your membership in the parish and issue you the proper sponsor certificate. We often get requests from people who say they are members, but in reality, we have no record of their membership. You are not considered a member just because your grandparents went to school here or belonged here. Please call for a form.

*Fulfill your obligation to participate at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and use your envelopes that allow us to track your attendance (this is not to see how much you give (which is kept confidential) but to see that you attend Mass.

*If you are an adult child of parents in the parish, register yourself here if you consider yourself a parishioner.

*If you move to a new location or change your phone number, please notify the office so that we can update our records.

The purpose of the Certificate of Eligibility is to show that we value the example and commitment of godparents and sponsors, and it is hypocritical to stand up for someone when you either do not believe or practice what you profess. The certificate assures the parish seeking it that the person providing it is serious about his/her Catholic Faith.

Palm Crosses will be removed as the Cemetery honors veterans by the placement of flags on graves. Please remember in prayer those veterans who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and if you know a living veteran this is the time to thank them for their service.

Special Intentions / Pro-life Roses - Weekly

In loving memory of Anna Ziomek in Heaven from son and family.

In memory of deceased parishioners.

For peace in the world and for those who have lost their lives in the conflicts from J.

1. Birthday blessings for our awesome cousin, Matt Satkowski, May 22. With love from Mare and Mike.
2. Happy May 22nd wedding anniversary to Dave and Dee Ann Re. God’s blessings for you both on this special day with love from Mom and Dad Wrigley and your children, Kyle and Katelyn.
3. Happy 24th wedding anniversary on
May 20 to Al and Ellen Jemioto DeMagistris from daughter Anna; Sandie, Paul & Andrew Satkowski; Allyson, Avind, and Teddy Baur and Mom.

The Rosary is prayed at 6:45 pm every Monday before the Miraculous Medal Novena and Mass and also on Wednesday in Polish at the 7:00 pm Novena and Mass.

Thank you to our altar servers who have returned to serve at Mass. We welcome and encourage all our altar servers to resume serving as they did before Covid.

Wednesday, May 14 – +Edward & Marie Masotta from the family.

Bulletin notices, pro-life rose requests, etc. can be emailed to, mailed in, placed in any collection basket or dropped off in the basket of the front door of the rectory. Because our parish bulletin is once again being published by our bulletin company, all notices, requests should be into the office two weeks before the Sunday you wish them to appear in the bulletin. Thank you.

Parish Office News

Office Hours: Mondays 9:30am to 2:30pm. Wednesdays: 9:30 am to noon. Fridays: 11:00am to 2:00pm. Closed Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Inclement weather closes the office.

Phone messages may be left at any time.

End of the year contribution statements:
…For those who use offertory envelopes, we will be sending out contribution statements by the end of January. If you received one last year you will automatically receive one for 2023. (If you called in late for it, your name might not be on the list – if you don’t receive a statement by the end of Jan., please call the office asap.) If you would like a first time statement, please call the office(203-734-0005) by mid-January. Thank you.

…Initial Offering for the church envelopes may be put into any collection basket. Your $5 donation helps to defray the cost of the box of envelopes. Thank you.

…During the winter months, the parish office may be closed in the event of inclement weather. When in doubt, please call ahead to see if the office is open.

Items for the upcoming bulletins should be sent to the Parish Office at least two weeks ahead of the Sunday you wish the item to be in the bulletin. This is necessary due to earlier deadlines and the possibility of inclement weather. Thank you.

…Phone messages may be left on the answering machine – and calls will be returned as soon as possible.

…Update of telephone numbers. Occasionally the office needs to contact a parishioner for various reasons and many times now the phone number we have on file is no longer in service. We will never share your number with anyone, but we would appreciate being updated.

A proposed updated schedule of Mass times beginning in 2025 has been submitted, as required, to the Archdiocese.  No confirmation yet has been received if this is acceptable therefore, we still not accept requests for Masses for 2025 at this time. Requests for Sanctuary Lamp intentions, Wine & Hosts and Pro Life Roses will continue as usual and may be sent in for 2025. Chapel Masses for this year are still accepted but not for 2025.

…If you are coming into the office to schedule a Mass, please plan on scheduling no more than three Masses. If you have a number of Masses to schedule, please send in or drop off your list with dates, intentions and offering. All checks should be made out to St. Michael’s Mass Account. They will be scheduled, and the list mailed back to you.

Please be considerate in the number of Masses you schedule. No more than 10 would be an appropriate number. This will help to accommodate more people who wish to schedule Masses. You can also schedule Masses to be said at the Vincentian Father’s Provincial house in Manchester ($20 offering for any Mass; make checks payable to Vincentian Fathers).

Please note the first Mass on Sunday is now at 8:30 am.

Weekend Masses are $30 and weekdays are $20 Chapel Masses here at St. Michael’s are $20 each. There are only a few 5:30pm Sunday Masses left for 2024. No other weekend Masses are available.

PLEASE NOTE: Mass Intentions may now be given for Masses to be celebrated in the Chapel in the Rectory. Masses will be scheduled during the week of (Mondays through Fridays) instead of by a particular day as there are times when only one Priest is home and must celebrate Mass in the Church. Masses can be scheduled for the remaining days of this year and for next year. Please send in request at least 2 weeks in advance. Mass intentions will be published in the bulletin. The stipend will remain at $20. Checks are to be made payable to St. Michael Church for Chapel Masses. Any questions call the Office.

For questions regarding grave purchases, etc.
Please contact the Parish Office (203-734-0005) for information regarding grave purchases or questions. Cemetery personnel will then contact you.

Safe Environment

We are mandated by the Diocese to inform you…
If you have knowledge or suspect that a minor or vulnerable adult (an adult with an intellectual disability) has been sexually abused, in any manner, by personnel of the Archdiocese of Hartford, you are urged to report this information to: Kathleen D. Nowosadko, Victim Assistance Coordinator at 1-860-541-6475 or In addition, you will be asked to follow up in writing with a detailed description of the facts involved in the incident. Specifics of this written report can be found in the Policies and Procedures of the

Archdiocese of Hartford Relating to Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Involving Minors and Vulnerable Adults. This document is available online at The Archdiocese of Hartford will report any and all incidents to the proper authorities.

Mandated reporters in the State of CT are required by law to report any incident of sexual abuse involving a minor or vulnerable adult. We encourage any Non-Mandated persons to report such incidents to the proper authorities as well. Your right to do so is supported.

Incidents involving sexual abuse of minors (under the age of 18) should be reported to: State Dept. of Children and Families Care-line at 1-800-842-2288.

Incidents involving sexual abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18-59 should be reported to the Connecticut Dept. of Developmental Services – AID DIVISION for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities at 1-844-878-8923.

Incidents involving sexual abuse of vulnerable adults aged 60 and over should be reported to the Department of Social Services for the Elderly at 1-888-385-4225. Once a written report of an incident of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult has been received an investigation will be undertaken by, or on behalf of the Archdiocese of Hartford.

How to report an incident of sexual abuse to the Archdiocese
If you have knowledge or suspect that a minor or vulnerable adult (an adult with intellectual disability) has been sexually abused in any manner by personnel of the Archdiocese of Hartford, you are urged to report this information to Kathleen D. Nowosadko at 1-800-541-6475 (she is the Victim Assistance Coordinator). The Diocese will report any and all incidents to the proper civil authorities. You will also be asked to follow-up in writing with a detailed description of the facts involved. When that report is received an investigation will be undertaken by or on behalf of the Archdiocese.

Archbishop's Annual Appeal



Total Pledged: $13,306.65
Total Paid: $12,602,65
Total Gifts: 98
Average Gift: $135.78
Percent of Goal: 60.48%
Participation rate: 14.00%

Total Parish Families 701

Every gift, no matter the amount, is important . The Appeal helps the needy and seminarians and other programs.

Please be assured that funds contributed to the Appeal are used ONLY for the many individuals and local charities who look to the Church for assistance and to continue those ministries that are essential to the life of the Archdiocese. The funds are never used for anything else.

I wish to express my gratitude to those who have already made a gift or pledge to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal.  If you have not yet made your contribution to the Appeal, I ask that you consider prayerfully about sending a gift.  Your gift is very much needed so that the Archdiocese can continue to provide assistance to those who are in need.  Each and every gift ensures that the ministries, programs, and services of the Church remain strong through the Archdiocese.  Thank you.

Forward With Faith

Just a gentle reminder to continue to make pledge payments to this campaign. Any donations can be sent through the Parish Office. And please remember to mention that you are a member of St. Michael Parish Derby so that the parish gets credit for your gift. To date we have received grant monies based on the parish’s share of payments in the amount of $39,000. In our parish “case for support” application we were granted these funds with the intention of providing financial support to replace our church roof.

They have been placed in a restricted account. We are still waiting for approval from the Diocese to begin this project.

St. Michael's Church Facebook Page

Stay tuned for more information on upcoming Live Stream events on Facebook.

Go to the Facebook page now using the link above and “Like” the page to receive notices of these events.

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Cover for St. Michael's Church Derby
St. Michael's Church Derby

St. Michael's Church Derby

St. Michael Church is located in Derby, Connecticut. We invite you and welcome you to join us for Mass.

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Rev. Rafal Kopystynski, CM
Via dei Capasso, 30
00164 Rome, Italy

Perhaps you know someone who might be considering a call to consecrated life (as a Religious Sister or Brother. Sometimes it is a family member, a colleague in ministry, or a friend who asks the simple question: “Have you ever considered that you might have a vocation?” Your ‘ask’ just might be the spark that encourages someone to follow the whisperings of the Spirit. That spark may be all a person needs to take a next step on a faith journey. Fan the flame as you invite them to call the Archdiocesan Office of Religious and speak to Sister Barbara Mullen, CSJ (Delegate for Religious) at 860-242-5573, ext. 7492

Our bulletin is supported through the generosity of the advertisers listed on the back of it. It does not cost the parish one cent for this weekly newsletter. Some advertisers have been loyal supporters for years. Please support their business’ if you can as a way to thank them for their caring support!

The Knights of Columbus Charities is still accepting donations for the Fund which will help to provide shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing, communication, and religious supplies to these displaced people. 100% of your donation will go directly to to the Ukrainian people. Please note on your donation that it is for the Ukraine Fund. Donations should be mailed to:

Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc.
P.O. Box 1966
New Haven, CT 06510