Vincentian Fathers
Rev. Marek Sadowski, CM, Pastor
Rev. Marek Sobczak, CM, Vicar & Provincial
Deacon Robert (Bob) Carter
School Principal
Mrs. Grace Torres
St. Mary – St. Michael Campus:
Religious Education
Margaret Mattei, Director
Joanne Witkin
Communications including Website and Prayer Ministry
Deacon Robert Carter – deacon.robert.carter@gmail.com
Choir Directors and Organists:
Marc Garofalo and Tatyana Yedigarova
Parish Office
The Parish Office is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 12:00 Noon pm. The Office will be closed on Fridays and holidays.
If these hours are not convenient, please call the office and we will try to accommodate you at another time.
Phone: 203-734-0005