Saint Michael The Archangel


Saint Michael's Church Roof Project

Saint Michael’s Church is leaking and must be replaced.  Spot repairs are being made on an ongoing basis but the time has come to replace the slate tiles and waterproofing materials.  

Because of this a fund raising project is underway and we sincerely ask for your support.

Roof Replacement Fund

Previous total:                              $173,969.00
Recent donations:                          19,400.00
Total donations as of 9/4:         $193,369.00

A total amount of $400,000 is necessary. Won’t you help?  

The actual replacement will take place in the spring of 2025 and we will only receive permission to do so from the Archdiocese of Hartford once we have the adequate funds to finance this project.  Please pray for its success.

If you did not receive a letter regarding the roof project you may pick up a copy at the side entrance or call the office and one will be mailed to you. 


Convent Roof - Emergency Repairs

…The Convent Roof has been leaking to the point that water was damaging the inside of the convent despite several years of patching up leaks, so there was no alternative but to replace the roof and this was done recently. The work was done by Piotr Wojenski Restoration Company.

Special thanks to Ryszard for the overseeing the project and these videos and photos.


7 Videos